Thursday, April 19, 2007

What was your question?...Hottie, I think Nottie!

Oh my gosh, now we all know I really dont get into all these damn reality shows, cause we all know they are only good either at the beggining (American Idol) or at the end Flavor of Love, but I actually started watching Charm School and oh my goodness...that shit was funny as hell when Thela (bka Rain or psycho chik) went in to have a one on one with Monique...I thought I was gonna piss my pants, that chik is crazy fa real...clearly all that ganja she been puffin on has severely damaged her brain...I can even describe what happened you have to watch it!!...And personally I was even more shocked at the fact that BuckWilds' real name is Becky! How the hell does that work out!!...GOODNESS!!!...and please Monique: makeovers are definitely in order, Schatar (Hottie) needs to not throw throw animal back on her head ever again...I'm jus sayin!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Of course Snoop had to be high when he said this...

Any women out there in the hood chillin' with Tay Tay, Purple, NuNu and 'dem...this is what Snoop Dogg has to say in a recent MTV interview about you, compared to the comments Don Imus made about Rutgers University's Women's Basketball Team:

"It's a completely different scenario... "[Rappers] are not talking about no collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports. We're talking about ho's that's in the 'hood that ain't doing sh--, that's trying to get a n---a for his money. These are two separate things. First of all, we ain't no old-ass white men that sit up on MSNBC [the cable network home to Imus] going hard on black girls. We are rappers that have these songs coming from our minds and our souls that are relevant to what we feel. I will not let them mutha-----as say we in the same league as him."

There you have it, Shanqueesha. It's YOU that the rapper's are talking about in their music...not the "nappy-headed hoes".

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Okay, this is a very nice picture of Hoopz from Flavor of yet tasteful. Isn't that what made us all fall for Nikki Alexander? WELL, ACCORDING TO ANOTHER WEBSITE, SHE'S GETTING BUTT NAKED IN HOTEL ROOMS AND TAKING PICTURES...CHECK EM OUT!!!!!! AGAIN, NUDE PICTURES, NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR CLASS!!!!

Photos courtesy of

Even though the pictures are bad quality, I must day that is one of the prettiest penis garages I have ever!

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Photos Courtesy of
...Keyshia Cole and Young Jeezy!!! Rumors have been circling about Jeezy and Keyshia for a minute now. These pictures of them recently performing together doesn't necessarily confirm the fact that they are together but I'm sold on the idea. They're always magically appearing together. I'm riding with them though. Together, they are hardcore Gs. In fact, that is the "GET SH*T DONE" couple in my opinion. You have Jeezy on one hand making sure the Snowman movement is in full effect and on the other, you have Keyshia who is the type to smack a b*tch for saying Keyshia Cole"s"...dont believe me...check this pic of Keyshia letting the "razzi" have it:

Photos courtesy of

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T-Pain has found his niche in the music industry...and I guess you people just want music that makes you feel good. I on the other hand prefer music with meaning lol. Anyways, check out T-Pain's video to his latest track:

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

He's poking fun at the ill!!!!

Although Justin Timberlake got his "hood-pass" revoked, he always manages to make me laugh. In the upcoming GQ magazine, Justin makes fun of the fiasco that has become Britney Spears. As you know, Britney Spears is a big bald-headed psychotic pop star. Check out the picture for yourself.

Almost as funny as "D*ck in a box"...

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Great music...but now we wait for the rumors...

Rihanna is really putting in work when it comes to making that good music and pushing her newest upcoming album, Good Girl Gone Bad. We've all had a taste of what it feels like to be under her Umbrella (even though we had to shove to get Jay-Z out of the way to get under there). Now, the island beauty has released her new single, featuring Ne-Yo, titled "Hate That I Love You". I think it's another radio banger. It has a "So Sick" kind of feel but what are you gonna do? Now you know people are going to assume they're dating, just like they do with everyone else. Anyways, check it out for yourself...

powered by ODEO

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Tango with New York?

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! That's all I hear when it comes to anything that has to do with that crap show called, "I Love New York". But being that I'm doing this blog, I will continue to report. Well, anyways now the streets are talking and word is that although Tango and New York are "together", Tango is allegedly with someone else. Sources are saying that this chick has came out making claims that her and Tango read text messages sent from New York to Tango, and laugh. On the other hand, the woman is saying that due to the content of some of the messages, she is fearing for her life. We'll see how this plays out on the reunion show on April 15th. According to a source from VH1, Tango was acting really detached towards New York during the taping of the reunion show. If that's the case, why did he propose? See...a bunch of BS!

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Speaking of Bobby V...

...check out his new song and video titled, "Anonymous". I'm not a fan of the song, this negroe is always crying or whining. But you know what, Tim always does his thing on the beat. Check it out...

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Oh, this is gonna be goooooooooooood... VH1's "Charm School" premieres this weekend after the reunion of "I Love New York". That's Sunday, April 15th. I'm not really looking forward to the reunion of all those gay negroes and New York (Although, there is a love triangle brewing between Tango, New York and Tango's ex. Read about it here.)However, VH1 is leaking the first episode of the series hosted by Monique and I've seen it and I'm very interested in watching the rest of the season. You can check it out here. Here's the press release for those of you who have been under a rock:

They're baaaaack!!! Thirteen of the "Flavor of Love" ladies from seasons one and two are competing again. This time the prize is cash and the title of "Charm School Queen." Mo'Nique lends her comedic talents to host this hilarious new series, "Charm School" premiering April 15th.
"These girls are outspoken and outrageous, but they need some focus and direction. I'm just the woman to give it to them. You will see a metamorphosis in these girls, I promise!" proclaimed Mo'Nique.
Season one favorites as well as season two break-out stars will be trained in proper etiquette and have their social skills put to the test. Each will compete in challenges testing poise and grace and will be judged on their ability to handle pressure in difficult situations. In this real life "My Fair Lady," these women will be given the opportunity to transform from a flavor of the month to the ultimate standard in class and sophistication.

We will be watching...

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RUMOR: Looks like Shareefa is gonna be crying again...

Not much on this story because it's just a rumor. According to reports, Shareefa has been dropped from Ludacris' Disturbing Tha Peace record label. This is all following an alleged comment made by Ludacris stating that although Shareefa was a great artist, they are no longer rocking with her. Does anybody care? Anyways, fuel for the rumors is the fact that on Shareefa's MySpace page, there are no DTP artists in her top friends. I don't know...maybe? maybe not? Well, if I was Bobby V I'd be getting real nervous right now.

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This Crack*r-A*s H*nky...

I don't have too much to say on this because it's the same damn story every time: White man calls a black people something racially degrading, and he gets off with two weeks suspension. Don Imus begins his suspension on April 16th. He's a shock jock. It's what he does, so I'm not upset about it. Again, however, I feel black people are the one's who have given white people the right to use words like the "n" word. Along with it comes other racial terms. I've never in my life (I repeat MY LIFE) heard a white person say, "nappy" and rarely heard a white person call somebody a "ho". When Imus did say that the Rutger's University Women's Basketball team looked like a bunch of "nappy-headed ho's", it sounded to me like he was mimicking something he heard a black person say before. So, in conclusion, if you don't want to hear things like this come from other races, encourage your own to stop!

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Kelly's Album Set To Flop—I mean Drop!

I really haven't kept up with what Beyonce's two back-up singers/dancers were doing with their lives since she decided to go solo, but apparently the pretty one is coming out with her own album. Yea people, Kelly Rowland's album, titled Ms. Kelly, is set to be released June 26th of this year. Obviously I'm the idiot because I would've sworn that this was her first album, but it's actually her sophomore album. According to Soundscan, Kelly's first album did go gold unlike Kelis. Personally, I don't believe that. I think Matthew Knowles went out and bought a few copies to prevent any animosity between B and Kelly because Kelly knows ALL of their family secrets. But while we're on the topic of Beyonce's back-up, Michelle (the other one) will be playing Shug Avery in The Color Purple Tour which jumps off May 3rd at the Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago. Hopefully she doesn't trip on stage again. Then again…who cares? Beyonce didn't.

Anyways, here is the first single off of her album, "Like This" courtesy of MTV's TRL:

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Is he is still talking?!?!

50 Cent reminds me so much of Chance from Flavor of Love: always talking. Can you just fall back for a minute? Obviously not. Now 50 is mad Young Buck: his own artist. Is this where we are hip hop? Now it’s okay to beef with your own artist? Dude is mad because, recently, Young Buck squashed his feud with rival, the Game. That feud has since been refueled, seeing as the Game just put out a diss record aimed at Buck and Yayo for slapping that 14-year-old a few weeks ago. In a nutshell, 50 said that Buck is his puppet, so he ultimately calls the shots. Puppet or not, Buck’s sophomore album , Buck the World, hit store last week and sold 140,250 units making him gold, which is good for anyone now-a-days. As for 50, I’m pretty sure he’s just trying to keep the publicity stunts coming so that when he releases his album the numbers are high. Honestly, I’d rather him just get himself shot a few more times and then…you know what? Let me not give this guy any of my ideas.

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Rocsi has the “livest” beef out there…

The co-host watched on 106 & Park alongside big gay Terrence and the “livest” audience out there is now finding herself in her own beef. I guess drama comes with the territory. But what is it that good ol’ Rocsi can be beefing about? And with who?? Well, it’s over a dude. And not just any regular, everyday dude…its Tyrese. Yep. According to reports, Rocsi has been dating singer/rapper/actor Tyrese and Black Ty for a minute now and last week at the annual Howard University (Why does all the negroe nonsense happen there?) Hip-Hop Summit, it seems she found out that somebody else may be doing the same. Tyrese has also been talking to Ms. Apple Bottom, Melyssa Ford. So now, it goes down: Melyssa and Rocsi were both on a panel discussing hip-hop’s response to Hurricane Katrina when allegedly, they just started going at it in front of everybody. Melyssa called Rocsi a female mutt, and Terrence had to pull Rocsi to the side to calm her down and have some girl talk, I guess. I’m confused, because I could have sworn that Tyrese had a girlfriend. Don’t y’all remember when reports came out saying he punched her in the stomach when she was pregnant? Anyways, it seems like Tyrese is doing his thing. Keep playin’ playa!

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Keeping up with the Simmons'...

I've said before, I'm always down with the Simmons'. From their MTV reality show “Run’s House” to the music, I like it all. They're family is kind of like the modern day hip-hop "Cosby Show" in my opinion. What I like most about them is that they are always able to keep bringing money into their family’s cipher. They latest venture of specifically two of the family members, Angela (19) and Vanessa (23), is a new shoe line. The two dimes unveiled their new line of shoes called “Pastry: The Cake Collection” at Underground Station in Atlantic Station, in Atlanta yesterday. The premise behind the athletic, mid priced footwear is that each shoe corresponds with a cake desert with kicks carrying names such as Chocolate Mousse (brown with pink highlights), Strawberry Shortcake (pink with white highlights), Red Velvet (red with white highlights) and Sprinkles (white with small multi-colored dots). With summer coming around, this is a real good look for the ladies. And if that isn’t enough to sell you, each pair of sneakers comes with a free stick of matching flavored lip-gloss. So now I guess your lip-gloss can be poppin just like Lil’ Mama…

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Laffy Taffy, Chicken Noodle Soup, Tattoos, and NOW LIPGLOSS!

I don't know what's the big deal about this song, but people are making a big deal about it so I figured I'd post the video up for everybody. I think I'll make a song called Headphones, or Laptop...or even better Blog!!! LOL. Anyways, check it out! It's Lipgloss by Lil' Mama.

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UPDATE: No love!

Yesterday, I reported that Reggie Bush was banned from the Playboy Mansion for violating conduct at Hef's place. Well, word has come out that the more detailed report is that Reggie was refusing to put a condom on his Bush. I really don't believe this. If this was the case I don't see how someone would find out that he didn't want to use a condom and I don't feel that that is a just reason to ban someone from the mansion. It's either you put one on or you don't get any. Simple as that!

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Whitney gets Bobbi (Christina)!

The divorce is approved and the marriage that no one thought would end, will come April 24th. The divorce between Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston is complete as of yesterday in Cali. In the recent People magazine, it seems as though Whitney was dogging her ex-husband:

In addition, Orange County, Calif., Judge Franz E. Miller awarded custody of the couple's 14-year-old daughter, Bobbi Christina Brown, to Houston. Brown, 40, and Houston, 43, were married for 14 years. At times dabbing her eyes with a tissue during the court session, Houston testified that she did not require spousal or child support and that Bobbi Kristina could not depend on her father. "He's unreliable," Houston said of Brown, according to the Associated Press. "If he says he's going to come, sometimes he does. Usually he doesn't." Houston declined to comment to reporters after the hearing. Attorney Ram Cogan, representing Brown (who did not attend the hearing), said he will file a petition on behalf of his client to overturn the judge's decision.

So I guess this means that all is right with the world. No more crack! No more "it works, it works for me!" in the middle of a department store. No more half-assed performances at the Winter Olympics. I must say, Congrats Whitney! We'll see how long this lasts...

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He "do"...or maybe not...

OK, for the 5th time: Jay-Z plans to marry Beyonce. These rumors have been flying around since forever. Allegedly, an insider from Def Jam is saying that the couple plans to marry this summer. Publicity stunt? More than likely. As much as people put Beyonce on a pedastal, I've always looked at her like the character she played in Dream Girls: a manequin and a product. I know Jay has to be interested in her, but she doesn't seem to have any depth. Therefore I believe that the whole thing is just another hoax. This "insider" may just be saying this in order to boost sales of the upcoming re-release of Beyonce's B-Day. She has been sporting a ring with the name Shawn on it recently, but its made out of wire that you can get made at the mall (pictures below) so that doesn't mean anything. Another thing is, it seems to be Beyonce who wants to get married so badly. Being that that is the case, I'll be shocked as hell if Jay-Z actually finally gave in. He's got other issues to take care of: CEO, Rapper, FATHER!!!!

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Mustache + Adams Apple = Definite Man!

WOW!!!...How times have changed, back in my day our hard "core rappers" could rarely be caught in candid photos of them doin the nasty with their many hoes, but damn when you can get a very clear photo of rapper Lil' Scrappy affectionately kissing another MAN on the neck you knwo shit has really hit the fan!!...I cant believe that he let this shit get out. I mean you already got punked by 5-0 at your own performance and now you get put on blast with photos of you kissing a MAN!!!...oh my gosh what is this world coming to??...AN END fa real...but I guess only so much can be expected from someone who not to long ago was rockin the Sisqo hair...I'm jus sayin!

Make room for one more under that Umbrella-ella-ella!!

Despite the recent reports of the ringing of future wedding bells for Beyonce and Jigga Man!!!...Some candid shots of Rihanna have been floating around and it wasnt of her panty liner this time...These pictures give an impression that little Miss Umbrella may be getting a surprise of her own!!...thats right baby may be a new word to her vocabulary and mommy to her titles!!...I am not going to say whether I agree or disagree with the pictures, but if the bonnet fits!!!...I'm jus sayin!

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Reggie Bush is in troublllllllle...oh nevermind...oh wait, no he is in trouble!

Alright, word is that Reggie Bush has been banned from the Playboy Mansion. That's something I think no man ever wants to happen to them. According to a New Orleans Saints NFL Fanhouse Blog, Reggie got banned as a result of a "conduct violation", nothing to do with a Playmate though. I don't even see how that's possible at the Playboy mansion. But, hey! On the other hand, word is that the guest list for an upcoming Playboy Mansion Kiss and Tell party on April 27 still has Bush's name on it. On the other (and third lol) hand, PR for Bush say that he will be in New York during the party to make an appearance to promote Gold Toe socks, and that he'll be staying in the NYC for NFL draft weekend. I DON'T KNOW!!! IS HE BANNED? IS
HE NOT? Who cares???

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Damage Control My A**

Alright this is my final comment about Miss Aubrey O'Day...Even though she has stated that she is not nor has she ever been pregnant, I still say its only a matter of it time!!...Diddy's also back from his "trip" to Europe and is attempting some type of "damage control". But really what kind of fixing can he do I mean if the baby has "nothing" to do with him then its her job as an artist to correct the situation. Just because she is signed to his label doesn't mean he has to rectify her problems, she's a grown ass woman. Its clear that he has some type of personal interest in the situation...I'm jus sayin!!

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Janitor = Pre-Nup

Jennifer Hudson tore it down on Dream Girls. Now she's about to make another startling move in her life. She is about to get engaged. The kicker to that is her fiance-to-be is a JANITOR!! I am assuming she knew him before she "made it", but come on Jen, I know you could do a lot better than a man who wipes toilets for a living. I have much respect for anyone who can pick-up banana peels everyday, I mean its an honest living but really?? WOW is all can say!!... I mean not only are you gonna buy your own engagement ring and pay for the wedding, but think about it you cant have your man out with you wearing a pair of white overalls carrying a plunger!!...I do wish them all the best...but please get up on the pre-nup J.Hud....I 'm just saying!!

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She said she got Indian in her...

Tina Knowles is at it again. Nobody asks her anything, but she just has to find a way to capitalize on her daughter's fame. In a recent magazine interview, Mrs. Knowles allegedly stated, "I was born in Galveston, Tex., of French and Cherokee Indian descent." Ain't this about a b****. I would've sworn you were black. It seems like Tina is trying to say she isn't black by apparently omitting her "African-American" decent. It's amazing what people will do now-a-days to not claim their black heritage. Now we see where Beyonce gets it from, but even she can't hide it because she's so damn country. Look at the BEFORE and AFTER picture below of Beyonce's magic transformation...NEGROES!

Before After

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It's not hot in herrre anymore...

I must commend Nelly and Ashanti for keeping their relationship on the hush-hush. Not too many celebrity couples are able to do that but they actually pulled it off. With all of that said, Nelly seems to have ended the not-so-public affair with Ashanti and is supposedly already talking to other people. A source close to the couple says that Ashanti is really hurt by the break up but didn't disclose any of the reasons for the actual break up. Well, hopefully she can take all that heart-ache energy crap and throw it on a track and come back out with some new GOOD music...

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No Mo' J. Lo

Jennifer Lopez has been on the backburner for a minute but we know thats definitely because she's sitting on stacks and doesn't need any extra money for the moment. Also, hubby Marc Anthony has kind of had her on lockdown... Well, anyway she's opening her boca again, now saying that she does not want to be called "J. Lo" anymore. Jennifer told Ireland Online, "I'm not J.Lo any more. That's all gone with all the ridiculous stories about tantrums and Egyptian sheets. That's all my past." Allegedly, J. Lo (yea, I'm still calling her J. Lo) is trying to get back to her roots. Good ol' Jenny from the block. Well, too bad her music is banned from the block lol. Anyways, we'll see what happens.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Confessions are in...(Usher update)

Well, Well, Well...who would have thunk it?!?! Usher is NOT THE FATHER of the bastard child. Well at least that what many are speculating. The couple is going with a story that they planned this pregnany! Yea right the seed was planted by Tameka's husband to add to there collection of 3 kids they already share. So now Mr. Raymond will be playing step-daddy to a little snot nose bastard child of his homewrecker of a stylist/fiance/39-year old elder. I am not surprised and for some strange reason i dont think Mrs. Raymond is the least bit surprised either. She is probably down here in Atlanta hands folded on her knees praying that he comes to his senses and leaves that Jezebel!!...I'm jus sayin!

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Can we please get there already!

Okay I'm not gonna hate on the movie, but goodness gracious dont you think it was played out after the first trip...Well if you havent heard about the sequel to Are We There Yet?...called "Are We Done Yet?"...The movie picks up where the first movie left off. Imagine this Ice Cube in the suburbs trying to do home repairs...Enough sad, but I would see it just because of the fact that sexy Mr. Cube is doin his movie thing once again. The premiere was last weekend and there was a host of A-List celebrities in the building. Of course the stars of the movie, including Ice Cube, Taj Mowry, Nia Long, Philip Daniel, and Aliesha Allen were in attendance. Many other celebs came out to show their support including Tia and Tamara Mowry, Chris Stokes, Cuttino Mobley and many more. This is a family must see...Good thing I dont have a family...I'm jus sayin!!

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Get Jiggy Wit It

I am the biggest Will Smith fan I know, so anytime some thing is going on with Will I definitely have to say something about it...I have to congratulate this man of may talents for his debut at the top of the Newsweeks Power Celebrity List...There is just no stopping this man and I always give him mad props for holding his family down and staying out of the medias eye...I wish him and Jada much success in the future...and dont worry Will even if you are a swinger...I know you arent swingin all the way!!...I'm jus sayin!

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Someone's ready to Confess...again!

I don't know about you, but I am in complete support of any publicity stunt that Usher has to pull...I mean think about it, when is Usher at the top of his game?? You guessed it...whenever he is in the middle of some sort of drama. So now that Usher's fiance, Tameka Foster, is said to be"pregnant", I say go head playa do yo' thang. My only issue is that they are supposed to announce their "good news" this weekend at his mothers birthday party!! WHAT THE HELL IS HE THINKING??? He must have not gotten the memo that his mother cant stand Mrs. Foster (yes, MRS...she is still married to her husband). I cant wait to find out how that turns out because although her son is a multi-platinum selling artist, Jonetta Patton is a black mother from the South and there is no telling what choice of words she may have for Tameka. I am in total agreement with Ms. Patton and think that this relationship was spoiled from the beginning and won't last for two reasons: she is way too old for him (37 to be exact) and they dont even make a cute couple. Tameka is smart though because if you're gonna try and trap someone for at least 18 years why not a millionaire, who may turn out to have the same "condition" as Ne-yo??...I'm just sayin! (GO ON, GIRL!)

What do y'all think?

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Is that Emin...oopppsss!

Is it just me? Maybe there's a bug going around in the celebrity community that is causing them to get in to car accidents lately. Splash News has released a few pictures showing that Eminem was daydreaming and got into fender bender with an Asian woman. Reports haven't come saying whether or not she is going to ask for the usual $5 million dollar settlement, but I'm sure some type of whip lash or internal bleeding will magically appear. As for Eminem...get your head out of the clouds, I hope you were thinking of a new hit to put out cause you seem to have fallen off a bit! I'm jus sayin!

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Justine and the Rev. speak...

I'm always down for the Simmons'. They're family is kinda like the modern day hip-hop "Cosby Show" in my opinion. If you have been keeping up with them, you should know that last season on the MTV reality show Run's House, Reverend Run's wife Justine was pregnant. This is where the season left off. In a shocking turn, we all found out that Justine suffered from a miscarriage. Well she has never publicly came out and talked about it but has done so in the latest issue of People magazine. Justine says about the miscarriage:

"[After Victoria Anne's death] my bishop recommended that I have a minute with the baby in the hospital. I looked at her and saw how pretty and peaceful she was. It didn't feel like a goodbye to me. [Today] I can talk about it, but if I stop to literally revisit, I start crying so fast because I can go right there. Women need to know you only need to mourn quickly. Don't try to think of [the baby's] eyes. It doesn't sound nice, but it will help them in the long run. I wouldn?t have been able to help my kids get to school in the morning if my husband didn't say, 'We have to keep moving.' I did a lot of journaling – writing to God telling him to give me strength. "

See, that's what I like about them: humble and genuine. Anyway, I will actually have the chance to speak to Justine and Reverend Run on April 13th. If you have any questions you would like me to ask them, leave a comment and I will ask.

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Ha Ha...WHORE!

I really hope that no one is surprised by the fact that any member of Danity Kane would turn up pregnant some time soon. Aubrey from Danity is said to be pregnant and this picture doesn't seem to disagree. Personally I'm surprised it didn't happen during the season of MTV's Making the Band, and word is it could be Diddy's baby, if not I'm sure its some black celebrities bastard child. People are saying that it's an April Fool's joke by the girls themselves. If that test comes back negative and it really is an April Fool's joke, trust me its only a matter of time before one of the members really does get knocked up after they hit the bottom of the charts and makes claims that Jazze Pha is the father of twins! I'm jus sayin!

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FERGALESBIAN much more obvious can Fergie get at being a lesbian. I mean, she shows all the qualities of ol' skool lesbian. According to the UK newspaper, Mirror, Fergie says she's only had a few lesbian flings, but I beg to differ. I think Fergie is a HUGE lesbian who happens to have sex with a few men on occasion. Just look at that nose! That's definitely the nose of a carpet munchin' legend!!! But hey, to each his own. Clearly, men like that girl-on-girl action, so her fan base should most definitely increase!! I'm jus sayin! FERGALICIOUS!!

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Ok everbody! Lately the media has been doing a lot of speculating as far as the relationship between P. Diddy and Sienna Miller. Are they friends or are they f******? Well the answer is finally...still being speculated. However, some very convincing pictures have surfaced showing Diddy leaving a party and retiring to Sienna's apartment. According to the Sunday Mirror, Diddy had been out on a drinking binge with his entourage before stumbling in to Sienna's home in North London around 4am on Friday (3/30).Take a look for yourself. The first picture-4.30am: Sienna checks coast is clear outside her London home. The second picture- 5am: Half an hour later Diddy takes a peek out of her door I think that the case is pretty much closed with this story. Poor Kim, Justin, Christian, D'Lila Star and Jessie James...

-photos courtesy of The Sunday Mirror

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Tiny is back to normal

Just a week after her miscarriage and the calling off of her engagement to rapper T.I., it seems like everything is copacetic with Tameka "Tiny" Cottle of former R&B group Xscape. The above picture was taken of Tiny this past Saturday (3/31) at T.I.'s concert at the Tabernacle in Atlanta. I would say that even though the two have called it off for now, there is till hope.


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