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This Crack*r-A*s H*nky...

I don't have too much to say on this because it's the same damn story every time: White man calls a black people something racially degrading, and he gets off with two weeks suspension. Don Imus begins his suspension on April 16th. He's a shock jock. It's what he does, so I'm not upset about it. Again, however, I feel black people are the one's who have given white people the right to use words like the "n" word. Along with it comes other racial terms. I've never in my life (I repeat MY LIFE) heard a white person say, "nappy" and rarely heard a white person call somebody a "ho". When Imus did say that the Rutger's University Women's Basketball team looked like a bunch of "nappy-headed ho's", it sounded to me like he was mimicking something he heard a black person say before. So, in conclusion, if you don't want to hear things like this come from other races, encourage your own to stop!

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