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Fabolous' album put on pause...

You would think getting shot is enough to rush someone's album out ASAP. Controversy sells and if getting shot isn't controversy then there is no such person as 50 Cent! Well obviously not at Def Jam. The album From Nothin' to Somethin' which was supposed to be Fab's first album since switching from Atlantic Records to Def Jam, was set to be released on April 17th, but instead is being pushed back to June 12th according to the rapper's website. Funny thing is, this isn't the first time the album was pushed back. Fabololus' album was originally supposed to be released sometime in December but was post-poned as a result of being shot in the leg last October. This is ultimately what causes an album to flop. Fab has already started promotional appearances and his first single off of the album titled "Diamonds" is recieveing airplay from radio stations...by the time he does come out, the masses will have already had enough of him and climaxed prematurely. Ha ha. Hopefully that's not the case.Sounds to me like another job well done by CEO Jay-Z. Well all I can do is help promote. Listen to "Diamonds" below.

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